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Self Healing Shop

To truly leave our childhood in the past and rewrite a new story we got to learn how to do things healthy! And  a new way as no one taught us how.  We also don't know  always know what is toxic as it was so normal. So learning gives us POWER by raising our awareness so we can let go of these behaviours and beliefs that no longer serve us

This self healing shop is filled with different courses to EMPOWER you to rebuild your life and become a magnet for your dreams. To support your healing journey and your journey of expansion. They vary from free to low cost to longer courses and programmes that I run live ! I create these courses with so much love from what has worked in my life, with clients and through the knowledge of being on this self healing journey for 10 years! In my past life in the corporate world I was a trainer so I love creating these for you!  ENJOY

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